Sunday, July 11, 2010

Helpful hints not from Heloise

Here are a few I actually did today, I think I use a few everyday and according to the little poll to your left thats something you guys want so here goes:

To prevent clogs poor a can of beer down your drain, I know you say alcohol abuse! However, I've never had a clog, nor do I have a garbage disposal so use the money you would pay a plumber on more beer;)

If you are allergic to gold which many of us are but still like to be blingin you can boil your rings every other month in this simple mixture. Works for white gold too. 
1 part apple cider vinegar
1 part hydrogen peroxide
1 part water
Boil for about 5 mins. Also gives them a nice shine without the work of polishing!

Simmer orange peel in water for potpourri instead of buying that expensive oil at the store. This could be considering reducing or reusing but its definitely considered saving money and smells fabulous.

Keep your oranges out of the fridge to make it easier to remove the peel. The white bitter stuff on the back of the peel (pectin) will stick to the orange and not the part your peeling if the orange is cold so a warm orange peels much better.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

So. . .

Today I feel like the bottoms about to fall out. I'm only at 29 weeks! I'm a firm believer at this point that having children this close together is not a pleasant experience for the individual actually having the child, or at least for me in this case. Yesterday was really rough, more so than usual, I was given strict orders by the hubby to rest. The problem with my orders is that when I "rest" all day I feel like an unproductive doofus. I'm not sure why I can't let go and allow myself to just relax. I guess part of it is the whole nesting thing, which is ridonkulous considering we have 11 weeks to go and I'm always late. What's the rush?

At this point I'm just babbling and your like what? Why is she going on and on about this? A few days ago I was apologizing for being such a slacker with this blog, ha! I am going to rest today, we have a birthday party for a dear friend at a place with all sorts of blow up equipment, never been but it sounds tiring just to watch. I am thankful for my little stash of gifts hidden away. Pretty much something for any occasion, works well being that we have a boy and a girl and that I have a love for clearance items:) So I'm going to wrap a gift from the stash and I'm going to plan on a nap today. Wow! It's 8:30 am and I'm already talking about a nap. Good bye for now and if anyone has any advice on how to rest and not feel guilty about it please do share:)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A note to peeps who actually read this blog!

Sorry I've been such a slacker. I have all these ideas and fun things that we do that I would love to share but it just never makes it to the page. Like so many things in real life this blog gets placed on the back burner. Summer has been uber fun yet hectic. Trying to get my new Etsy site up and actually finish everything that I want to post and trying to get the new Premier Designs business started have really been challenging. On that note hopefully once they are up and running the work to maintain them will not be as difficult as the start up. I appreciate you reading and hope that you are able to use what little ideas and recipes I've been able to post. As always comments and ideas are welcome and I love love love to hear from you guys! Peas and Happiness to all of you while we draggle through this hot summer and try to better ourselves, enrich our children and hopefully rest a little:)

P.S. We have decided on a name for our little treasure that is soon to come (not soon enough if u ask me). Drum roll please. . . Xander Erik Jackson Sargent!

Crayon Creations

Everyone with children has a bunch of nubby broken crayons. . .Don't toss them, reuse/upcycle them!

Scribble Cookies
**all u need for this one is old crayons a muffin tin and a warm oven
1.Peel paper off old crayon stubs and break into pieces
2.Sort the colors into muffin tin or mix them(mixing is an interesting option but I typically chose to make 1 or 2 mixed and sort the rest)
3. Let melt then cool
4. Pop out, muffin tin washes easily with hot soapy water
Hint: Remove crayon cookies from tin while it is squishy but not liquid.

The recipe below is crayon related but does not use actual crayons. It has been tested and approved at my house and the kids love to play with them in the tub. The soap crayons easily wipe from the surface of the bath/shower walls.
Soap Crayons
1. Fill a measuring cup with one cup mild powder laundry soap
2. Add 30-40 drops of food coloring
3. Add water by the teaspoon full until soap is liquid. Stir well.
4. Pack soap into ice cube tray.
5. Set in a sunny, dry place for two days until hardened and pop out of trays.