Tuesday, April 20, 2010

BBQ Pot Pie

I know it sounds delicious because it is:) and easy too!

1 frozen pie crust, allow to thaw as directed.
1 container Fully cooked pulled bbq pork or chicken (I prefer chicken for lower fat content)
1 1/2 c. of Orieda Frozen Potatoes O'Brien
1 1/2 c. shredded cheddar cheese (I use 2% but again this would be your preference)
1 can corn (drained)

Preheat oven to 350. Bake crust for 5 mins, remove from oven.
Spoon 1/2 of bbq into crust and layer of 1/2 of cheese on top.
Layer potatoes and corn on top of cheese. Top with remaining bbq and then cheese.
Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes.
Let stand 5 mins before serving.

Healthy Eating/Cravings

This is not just for pregnant women. You know how we all crave an afternoon cookie or some cheesy noodles every once in a while. This is largely a result of unhealthy eating to begin with, as well as lack of serotonin.

**An enormous percentage of women crave sugar, carbohydrates, or alcohol. In most cases, these food cravings are not true eating disorders, but instead are signs of hormonal imbalance caused by a lack of healthy nutrition.

Food cravings mean that the body has its signals mixed up. When we are exhausted or blue, we have low blood sugar and/or low serotonin, and the body signals the brain that it needs a pick-me-up. This signal causes a sugar craving or carbohydrate craving.**

The good news is there are three things you can do to stop this vicious cycle:

Get 8 hours of sleep nightly

Take a multivitamin daily

Get 10 mins of excercise per day (above and beyond your typical stretching/walking etc., this needs to be a "breaking the sweat" activity)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Low-Cal Diet Cranberry Lime-aid

I'm addicted to these lo-cal cherry Lime-aid things they have at a certain drive-in fast food joint where the car hops do not ever wear roller skates like in the commercials:) Well, I figured out how to make a cranberry version at home using Cranergy which also gives you a quick energy boost without the caffeine...I know I'm a genius, you don't have to tell me;)

1 can Sprite Zero
6 oz. Ocean Spray Cranergy (I prefer the Pomegranate type)
Lime slices (as desired)

This makes for a large cool dink on a hot day. Perfect for the afternoon when you start getting tired. Very Refreshing!

P.S. This is for my prego friend Sarah who has gotten me hooked on limes this pregnancy!

If you have a green tab on your Sprite save it. Sprite is dontaing 10 cents per tab to Habitat for Humanity!
Send your tabs in to

Sprite Tabs for Habitat
PO box 51412, Knoxville, TN 37950