Awesome Activities

Fostering Creativity with Fashion

The outfit a child can come up with are pretty scary. You don’t want to stifle their creativity and allowing them to pick and chose their on clothing when the desire presents itself is an important learning process. Follow the simple matching below to ensure that your child comes up with an outfit that doesn’t make you look like you should be standing next to him wearing mom jeans.

Separate drawers based on items that match not item types. We took the time to do this project together, again teamwork is key. We put all of the earth tones in one drawer and the bright colors in another. These drawers include both tops and bottoms. Then we have a separate drawer for pants that will go with any shirt, such as blue jeans.

In the morning he is allowed to pick any items but they all must come from the same drawer, or they must be paired with the “everything pants” drawer.

Making Easy Play Clay

Cooked Claydough (baking soda and corn starch)
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup corn starch
3/4 cup water
Have your child mix the baking soda and corn starch in a pot. Use hands to make sure all the lumps are broken up. Add water. The adult should put the pan on the stove over medium heat and stir constantly. As soon as the mixture gathers together, remove from the heat. When it cools, have your child knead it into a smooth playdough.

Note: Don't over cook this claydough or it will crumble when the children use it.

Alternative Recipe for childrens Claydough
2 cup cornstarch
2 cup baking soda
1 1/4 cup cold water
Gradually add water till smooth. Heat, stirring constantly until mashed potato consistency. Turn onto plate, cover with damp cloth, let cool. Knead dough.

Uncooked Claydough (salt and flour)
1/4 cup salt
1 cup flour
1/4 cup water
Have your child mix the flour and salt in a bowl then add water. Knead and squeeze the dough to make a clay consistency. You may need to add more water.

Note: Your child will find that this claydough doesn't last as long as the cooked recipes.

***To make different colors you can use Flavored drink mixes or food coloring.

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