Monday, March 8, 2010

Baby Food Do it Yourself!

Baby food is so expensive and so simple. You can save a ton of money making it yourself and your little one will not know the difference. Foods prepared at home will last in the freezer about 1 month and you can even freeze them in ice cube trays to make easy to reheat portions. The best part is it only takes 10-15 minutes to make and you know exactly what your child is consuming.

Thoroughly wash any fresh vegetables or fruits that you've purchased in the produce section to remove dirt and possible pesticides. You can also chose to use canned or frozen vegetables.

Steam or boil the fruit or vegetable. You will want the food to be mushy if your baby has just started on solids. If your baby has been eating for a couple of months you can cook the food until it is easily pierced with a fork to allow a thicker consistency.

Puree the food in a blender or food processor until the food reaches the right consistency for your child's stage of eating.

Strain the food to remove any stray peels. You can chose to skp this step by removing the peels before cooking. Typically it is more efficient to strain afterwards. Frozen or canned vegetables can also be used.

Spoon the pureed food into ice cube trays and cover with plastic wrap and place in the freezer. When the cubes are frozen, you can put them in ziplock bags or another food storage container. Make sure to label with the type of food and the date it was prepared.

When it's time to eat, remove as many cubes as you need and allow to thaw or thaw in the microwave.

For some other recipes and helpful hints check out the following links:

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